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1 Resultado de traducción para wake up en español


wake up verb

unfavorite favorite
despertar; despertarse

Ejemplos de uso de
wake up verb

  • It's hard for me to wake up early.
  • It takes a couple cups of coffee for me to really wake up in the morning.
  • Don't hesitate to wake me up if you need anything at all.

wake verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
woke, has woken, is waking, wakes

Ejemplos de uso de
wake verb

  • She can never remember her dreams upon waking.
  • My banging around in the kitchen woke my wife.

Traducción inversa para wake up

despertar  - to arouse, to wake, to awaken, to wake up, to elicit, to evoke 
despertarse  - to wake (oneself) up 
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